- establised since the year 2017 and proper registered in the year 2018.It is a private and local owned company properly registered under company act 2002 Cap 213 of the registration laws of the united republic of Tanzania with the Certificate of Incorporation Num her 1368087 45 dated 12th day of June, 2018. It has also TIN Number of 136-808-745, Business Licence Number B2779190 and Certificate of Registration Number of an Employer (017162) by Workers Compesation Fund(WCF).
COBS CORPORATION LIMITED has its registered offices posta, Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA
"To be a value driven organization,perfected by process,integrity principles and remain always directed towards customers interests."
"To be the most preferred solutions provider partner in all the market we serve.Customer satisfaction is our priority"
Our Core Values
a) Result driven
b) Integrity
Demonstrating honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior in all interactions, maintaining trust with clients and stakeholders, and upholding professional integrity.
c) Customer centric
d) Excellence
e) Work Ethics
f) Adaptability
Being flexible and adaptable in responding to changing client needs, industry dynamics, and market trends, to effectively navigate evolving business landscapes
g) Confidentiality
Upholding strict confidentiality and privacy standards, respecting and protecting the sensitive information shared by clients